Thursday, March 8, 2012

Time To Get All Rocky Balboa On Social Media

For some reason Americans love an underdog.  Sure, we throw our support behind the biggest names, those with the most power and prestige (yes, I am talking to all you Yankee fans out there.  You know who you are) then cheer on the underfunded, undersized, underdog who wins it all.  We are a nation in love with the Rocky Balboa types, the ones who work harder and smarter in order to prevail.

If you own a small business or run a non-profit you probably know what it feels like to be the underdog.  You are dedicated, passionate, hard working and keenly aware that there are bigger and better funded organizations out there.  They are not evil (well, not all of them) but they have significant advantages that you have to overcome if you are to be successful.  This includes the world or social media, where the big boys and girls have established brand identities, paid social media staff, and big budgets.

So, what are you gonna do about it, Champ?  Throw in the towel and give up?  Of course not!  Your gonna gulp down your glass full of raw eggs and start getting ready to rumble.  It is time to get all Rocky Balboa on social media.

The first thing you need to do is find a good trainer, someone who can give you the advice you need to take advantage of all those powerful social media tools.  Find someone with experience in both social media and the real world (and if possible is easier on the eye and ear than old Mickey).  There are professionals out there who can help you understand what the various social media platforms do and how best to use them.  Make them part of your team.

Then be dedicated and disciplined.  Develop a strategic plan and stick to it.  Building strong communities is a process not an event.  Make no mistake, there will be days when you feel like you are running through the streets of Philadelphia all by yourself.  It will take time to see a ROI but if you stay focused and committed you will see results.  Your "likes" and "followers" will become clients and volunteers, running with you as you make the world a better place.

Finally, and this may be the most crucial point, remember what your true goal is.  Believe in what your organization is trying to accomplish, why you got started in the first place.  Social media platforms can help you get there, but don't lose focus.  You did not start your business or non-profit so that you could get 3459 followers on Twitter.  You got 3459 followers on Twitter so you could fulfill your vision for your organization.  Keep your eyes on the real prize and let these tools hep you become the heavyweight champion of your world.

And Yo, Adrian! if you need a social media trainer I am here to help.  My language may not be as colorful as Mickey's, but I founded Rubate Consulting for all the underdogs out there.  You can contact me at or

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