Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Using your social media to help your partners

Every business, non-profit and organization has partners.  Your partners make it possible for you to stay in business and fulfill your mission.  The more successful your partners are the more successful you are going to become.  You can use your social media platforms to help your partners grow and also expand your base of support.  Here are some tips to make that happen:

-KNOW YOUR BRAND.  You can allow partners to post on your Facebook page, or reTweet something they Tweeted, but you need to ensure that their content is consistent with your brand.  Just because one of your partners is having a yard sale next weekend does not mean they should use your social media platforms to tell the world - unless yard sales are part of your brand.

-HAVE A STRATEGIC PLAN.  Think about your partners and what type of relationship you have with each one.  Develop a plan that allows your social media platforms to specifically addresses and strengthen those relationships.  Be strategic, not hit or miss.

-SHARE THAT PLAN WITH YOUR PARTNERS.  It is important that they know you are trying to support them and what the boundaries are.  Otherwise you risk turning your social media platforms into billboards for your partners that do not build up your brand and actually undermine your relationships.

-GIVE FIRST.  Reach out to your partners first.  "Like" them, follow them, invite them to post content on your social media platforms (using your strategic plan!).  Take the initiative.  Your partners are going to be much more willing to invite you into their social media networks if you have already extended an invitation to them.

A strategic use of social media can help your partners grow, but it will also help you grow.  Your partners have access to dozens, hundreds, perhaps even thousands of people and businesses who are waiting to become your next client, donor, and yes, partner.  That is what makes social media platforms so valuable for you, your organization and your partners.

If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask. Rubate Consulting is here to help.

©2011 Roger Burns-Watson, All Rights Reserved

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